My tour

Travel information

info-travel with bike

Taking your bicycle

Use a rental bicycle offered by the tour company in Holland or take you own bike with you on the plane

info - travel to netherlands

Travel to the Netherlands

Air travel to Holland with information about visa, custom rules and taking a bicycle on the plane


Travel within the Netherlands

How to get around in Holland by train, bus, tram, ferry and taxi

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Health issues

Health and health risks for cyclist in Holland

info-eating netherlands

Eating and drinking

Eating habits and dishes in the Netherlands important for cyclists

info currency holland


The use of cash money, euros, bankpas, credit card and travelers cheques during your cycling holiday in Holland

info weights netherlands

Weights - Measures

The Dutch metric system of weights and measures and conversion tables important for cycling tourists

info netherlands electricity-1


Electricity voltage, plugs and adapters in Holland

info netherlands time


Time zones and time differences in Holland

info netherlands telephone

Telephone and Internet

Telephoning to and from Holland during a bike tour

info netherlands opening hours

Holidays and Opening hours

Opening hours of shops and offices and national holidays in the Netherlands

info holland habits

Manners and Habits

Dutch manners and habits important for cycling tourists

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